Happy whatever-the-heck-you-celebrate!
As the year ends people need to blow off steam a bit, and so there are several occasions that all occur around the end of the year. So no matter what you celebrate I hope you enjoy yourself. Unless your an ax murderer in which case... consider therapy.
So I picked up one of these for my desk at work, put it together while on staycation, thought my readers would like to check it out. Vellman has some great kits, this is one of them. Based on a two transistor multivibrator (calm down ladies) this kit blinks LEDs. (whoo hoo) but blinks them on a tree shaped PCB. For the price it really isn't a bad kit to put together for a little bit of festive. I will warn you that there is a +/- pins at the top of the tree, these connect to the input voltage. So if you put a LED there it will try to take the full input power. At 9V that's bad 'k? That's there so you can attatch your power wires there, into a 9v and hang it in the tree (cleverly hiding the 9v battery under a sign that says 'not a 9v battery') Typical Vellman kit with pamphlet explaining the circuit and checkoff as you go parts list. GREAT for beginners. Highly recommended.
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