Sunday, April 17, 2011

a quest for a home for TBP

I had it housed in an Altoids can (thought it fitting) but I was at the store and saw Altoids smalls... The can looked like it was the right size, so I bought one and brought it home. I'm pretty generous with them so it doesn't take me long to go through them. Before I knew it I had it cleaned out and was trying to fit the bus pirate in... and it didn't fit. 
 So not wanting to start over, and being SO close.. I picked up my trusty dremmel and started shaving off the corners, being careful not to shave off anything important... A few minutes and an annoyed wife later it fit snugly in the tin. (protip: the wife doesn't like you grinding pcb board in the dining room)
 After finishing with the board, I marked where the holes for the I/O cable and the USB cable were. I don't have some fancy calipers or anything... I have a jusabout. That hole goes jusabout here... this hole goes jusabout there... another dremmeling and I have two new holes... the holes aren't perfect but neither am I. Just ask my wife... (another ProTip: if your not allowed to grind PCB in the dining room, you probably aren't supposed to cut metal either, so make sure the wife isn't home.)
So to keep it from shorting out I added some electrical tape. I'd like to put in some tiny holes and use some hotglue and perhaps even some fiberoptic wire I have somewhere to make light pipes for the status lights, but this works so far. It's much more compact, fits in the box I keep it in better. Now to find things to use it on... MUAHAHAHHAHHAAA!

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