I've long been interested in the IOT. I've been running a server (ssh port only) and have been tinkering with it more than anything. MySQL, C++, writing my own makefile. Much of this I'll try to remember to document here. I've not been idle so much as horrible at documentation.

I bought
this awhile back it came in, and if you think about it, it's awesome! The relay can handle 10A, 120V so it can turn a lamp, or more on and off. Plus, it can do it via wifi. This is an awesome jumping off point, since most of the GPIOs aren't being used. According to linux I'm going to try to use a Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x UART Bridge / myAVR mySmartUSB light
basically a some uart I picked up from China. So when I power this up and look there is a network AI-THINKER_####X# and I can connect with a password ai-thinker. Has port 80 open, and when I open it up... nothing. Empty webpage. Blank canvas.
So with that, the fun will begin.